Friday 29 & Saturday 30 July, 9pm (doors open 8pm)
The Wiczy Theatre is considered a living legend of the alternative theatre scene in Poland. They are known for addressing crucial social issues, searching for new means of stage expression. In their performances they use elements of happening, improvisation, performance techniques and avant-vaudeville, they work with artists from different fields: mimes, poets, musicians, painters.
On two nights this summer the Wiczy Theatre will perform ‘Just Simply’ at the Dalston Eastern Curve Garden as part of the International Cultural Programme of the Polish Presidency of the EU.
Here’s how Wiczy describe the show:
“Premiered a week before the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the show is a continuous and unchanging anti-war demonstration, which through developments in the international arena is still remarkably current. The performance, in a humorous way, presents a pacifist story of soldiers from the war in Iraq, who try to develop their home estate theatre.
The only limitations accepted by the Wiczy Theatre are those imposed by the word “theatre”.
Tickets are £10 and can be pre-booked through Arcola Theatre Box Office on 020 7503 1646 or purchased on the days of the garden performances at the Wiczy box office at the Dalston Eastern Curve Garden.