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Meeting about Eastern Curve development plans


Tuesday 25 February 2014 at 6.30pm

Stoke Newington Town Hall
Stoke Newington Church Street
N16 0JR

On Tuesday 25 February 2014 at 6.30pm, Criterion Capital the owners of the Kingsland Shopping Centre are presenting the latest version of their redevelopment plans to Hackney Council Planning Sub-Committee. These plans will impact on the Dalston Eastern Curve Garden, as most of the land on which it sits is owned by Criterion Capital. Hackney Council own the remaining part, at the entrance to the Garden. Criterion Capital made their initial proposals public for the first time last summer.

Criterion Capital’s website for the redevelopment of the Kingsland Shopping Centre currently states:
“Since the beginning of the public consultation and following comments from local residents and stakeholders significant changes have been made to the proposals including… Keeping the garden at the western end of the Eastern Curve.” 
Criterion Capital have now had several meetings with Hackney Council to discuss their proposals. You can read what the Hackney Planning Department’s response to these plans is here.

Please come along on Tuesday night to hear what the developers are planning for this major development in Dalston, in particular about ‘keeping the garden at the western end of the Eastern Curve’.

Tuesday night’s meeting will not decide on planning permission, Criterion Capital intend to submit their formal planning application later in the year. Hackney Council are holding this meeting to offer the developers an opportunity to present their plans in advance of making that planning application and to allow the Planning Sub-committee to ask questions about the proposals. Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting, but unfortunately are not allowed to ask questions or make comment.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at Stoke Newington Town Hall on Tuesday evening!

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