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Blooming Marvelous – Free Compost Giveaway Day

Sunday 11 May 2014: 2-5pm

Compost Giveaway

Our friends at the LondonWaste Ecopark are helping us mark international compost week, 5-11 May, by delivering another truckload of lovely rich compost to help Dalston and Hackney gardens bloom this summer. Over

So if you’ve ever wondered what happens to all that food waste that gets collected every week, come along, just bring a bag and scoop it all up – we’ll supply the spades.

If you aren’t able to bag up the compost yourself, we have a number of sacks ready to go, courtesy of the brilliant GoodGym Hackney who ran 3.5km to the Garden, scooped up 70 bags of compost with spades and hands, before running 3.5km back again!

Mural Stretching



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