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Halloween Pumpkin Lantern Show

Lantern Show: Sunday 28 October 2012, 5.30 – 8pm
Pumpkin-carving: Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 October, 1-5pm

pumpkin lanternsPhoto: Paul Marzipan

The Garden will be full of pumpkins waiting to be carved, on the weekend before Halloween. Children, young people and adults can all come along each afternoon to carve a lantern and help make the Garden’s 3rd annual ‘Halloween Pumpkin Lantern Show’ the best one yet!*

On Saturday afternoon we will also be joining in the day long celebration of the opening of ‘Young Hackney Forest Road‘, a new centre for young people in Dalston and Hackney, by lighting the Garden’s outdoor oven and cooking up some tasty pizzas.

Once the last pumpkin has been carved on Sunday, we’ll start lighting them all up at 5.30pm. There’ll be hot drinks and spicy pumpkin soup from the Garden Cafe to warm everyone up and story-telling and song for adults and children from ‘The Caravan of Story-tellers‘.

So, here’s how the weekend will go:
Saturday 27 October, 1-5pm: Pumpkin carving and pizza-making
Sunday 28 October, 2-5pm: Pumpkin carving
Sunday 28 October, 5.30-8pm: Pumpkin Lantern Show and story-telling

The ‘Pumpkin Lantern Show’ welcomes in the Garden’s ‘Festival of Light’ – a series of events and activities over the coming months to brighten the dark winter days. The next Festival events will take place on the weekends of 17 & 18 November and 1& 2 of December, so save the dates! The ‘Festival of Light’ is supported by Hackney Council.

* Please note, all pumpkins need to be left at the Garden until the day after the Lantern Show, when they can be collected in time for Halloween. Pumpkin carving is free, but donations towards costs are very welcome. Children under the age of eleven need to be accompanied by an adult.

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