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Join in the Big Dig!

ArtichokesSaturday 22 March, 12-2pm & 3-5pm

We’re taking part in the Capital Growth Big Dig with a Spring tidy up here at the Garden to get ready for the new growing season. It is also the first of this year’s weekly Saturday afternoon drop-in gardening sessions which anyone can take part in. If you know a lot or have never gardened before – everyone is welcome. It’s a chance to learn, relax, get fit, meet people, and enjoy the fruits of your hard work at harvest time.

For the ‘Big Dig’, there will be two sessions taking place, 12noon – 2pm and 3 – 5pm, followed by a well-deserved cup of tea. You don’t need to book, just wear comfortable clothes and shoes. If you can’t come along this weekend, drop in any Saturday, 2 – 5pm. This year we plan to grow even more herbs and salad leaves, edible flowers and bee-friendly plants.

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