An afternoon of sensual and spatial engagements featuring classical music, balkan space jazz, songs in promenade, peculiar storytelling, klezmer, and a presentation of a new jazz/movement theatre project.
*FREE ENTRY* but we’ll pass a bucket around for the performers’ expenses.
av alanche, a new Sinema City initiative, aims to establish the possibility of fluidity within the context of a live event. Instead of the conventional gig format of acts with breaks in between, the programme will consist of two distinctive parts. With the location/audience/performer relationship in mind, Part I will be an experiment in how different acts can continuously pass on and pick up from each other, while Part II will be a complete set by Rowan Coupland.
Weather permitting there will also be a surprise soundscape in store.
Part I
MIMIKA Mak Murtić Ensemble
Mak Murtić is a Croatian composer who writes intricate, mind-expanding groove-based arrangements about cosmic migrations and cultural evolution for a 14-piece brass orchestra. Members of the ensemble will perform selected movements from their two conceptual suites, and alongside that they will be joined by their chronographer/dancer to present a preview of their upcoming multi-arts theatre project.
Gerry Howell
Hot from a packed run at PBH Free Fringe at Edinburgh just last month, Gerry is a comedian/storyteller with quirky little stories that he has made up and self-published. To the edition of one. A gentle and likeable man, his offbeat remarks and investigations in language play with the expectations of the audience. Have a look at his website for some fantastic quotes and enticing portraits of the man. “*****” The Skinny
Anisa Arslanagic & Alice Mary Williamson
In the idyllic garden grounds, violaist Anisa Arslanagic will perform a couple of selected solo classical pieces, then she will be joined by Alice and other musicians for a range of delightful arrangements of klezmer/balkan/tango compositions.
Part II
Rowan Coupland
As part of his September UK tour of cafés and interesting spaces, Rowan brings his compelling brand of alternative folk to the beautiful setting that is the Eastern Curve Garden. With a focus on sound and his relationship with the performance space, he performs songs of displacements and of the grand gestures of nature, while utilising the harp and guitar with great mastery.
In his words “Sounding like a cross between Nick Drake and Little Richard, his songs straddle that weird area between old gospel, jazz ballads and the sound of cicadas at night.”
Food and drink will be available including the Garden’s homemade lemonade, Mojitos using garden grown mint and locally brewed ale.
av alanche is a space for work-in-progress and promenade performances as well as conventional musical/lingual/dynamic engagements. Do get in touch via if you’re interested in taking part!