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A bee’s-eye summer view: guided walks in the Curve Garden 

Sunday 21 August, 2.30pm, 3.30pm & 4.30pm

Join Alison Benjamin from ‘Urban Bees’ for a bee’s eye view of the Summer flowers, trees and weeds in Dalston Curve Garden, which are loved by the docile wild bees  living in Hackney. 

Learn why these fascinating creatures are so important, how to spot Green-eyed flower bees, large Bumblebees, tiny Solitary bees and ‘Cuckoo’ bees, fascinating facts about bees and the simple steps you can take to help them. 

This event is part of our year-long programme of creative activities at Dalston Curve Garden exploring plants, nature and biodiversity throughout each season. It is supported by Hackney Council’s ‘Hello Again Hackney’ Fund. You can find out about their initiative, which allows residents to take advantage of discounted tickets and invitations to cultural events at venues across Hackney at: www.lovehackney.uk/entertainment-offers

All bee photos © Penny Metal & all event photos © Xixi Zheng/Dalston Eastern Curve Garden