Thursday 1 June at 2, 3 & 4pm

Yellow, sunflowers, seeds and using your hands not paintbrushes to make art are the focus for this workshop led by Sandra Keating. Children will hear about ‘Sunflower Artists’ Vincent Van Gogh and Ai Weiwei before working with seeds and tissue paper to make their own sunflowers and work together to make a big sunflower piece. Then help us plant sunflowers to fill the Garden with yellow this Summer.
Sessions start at 2, 3 & 4pm
Our holiday workshops are most suitable for children aged 5 – 11, although younger children are very welcome, as long as their parent or carer works alongside them. Children under the age of 10 should be accompanied by an adult.
Children’s workshops are free, but we depend on your donations to help us cover our costs, so please support our work and come prepared!
We do not take bookings for our children’s activities, but please come early to avoid disappointment.