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February in The Garden

February at the Garden is all about the first signs of Spring. The results of many months of planting bulbs put in by the volunteer team last Autumn are on show everywhere, with more and more new flowers popping up every day. Snowdrops first, followed by Daffodils, all making the most of the Spring light while the Birch and Alder trees still have no leaves.  Many other plants that have been dormant over winter are starting to raise their heads again or flower, offering much needed nectar for bees emerging out of their hibernation.

The Garden and cafe are open every day and the cafe is still serving mulled wine, spiced cider and hot toddies to keep out any early Spring chill. We are also selling hot chocolate and delicious cakes and during the week we make plant-based soups, served with fresh bread from our neighbours at Dusty Knuckle Bakery.

Dalston Eastern Curve Garden operates as an independent social enterprise, so every time you spend money in our Cafe, you are helping keep the Garden open for everyone to enjoy for free!